Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Graduating High School

I made it. Who would've thought?

13 years of relentless lessons and girls who seemed to grow more irritating by the day... all over. With exams completed and a large amount of spare time, this blog post marks the beginning of many more (hopefully!!). Although hardly interesting for anyone outside of the 'high school bubble', I thought I would share some memorable photos and memories from the Graduation festivities. A virtual memento, if you will.

The First Photo is a picture of my beautiful family & I (From left to right: my sister Emma, my dad, Myself, my sister Milly & my mum)
There is so much love in this photo it is ridiculous. My gorgeous best friend Amelia and I after our Graduation Assembly at school. There is honestly no words to describe how much she means to me, and I fear that a short description of her would fail to do her justice. However, fear not, she will be making many more appearances in blog posts to come!
Here is a picture of my childhood best friend, Charlotte, and I. We have been friends since we were 2 years old and although have grown apart, will always remain close. She is someone that I previously have and will continue to admire. One of the most beautiful people on the earth, you can bet that you will see Charlotte's name in lights one day.

So there. A few memories from my Graduation. Sorry if this completely and utterly disinterested you, but this was something personal that I wanted to share. Something I wanted to have on record and out there.

I'll be sure to publish something a little more interesting and appealing for the wider population tomorrow. Have a lovely evening!

Alice xo

Friday, 25 April 2014

What is Bonjour Kit?

Apparently it is normal to have your blog introduction in your drafts for 4 months with only the title as the contents - well, according to me anyway.

Yes you've read correctly, this is a new blog I am starting in order for me to tun a new page on the blogging front. If you are unaware, which I am certainly sure you are, I previously owned another blog called You're a gem which was my 'diary' for whilst I was on french exchange in 2012/2013. It was a way for me to talk about everything I had done on my trip, minus the expensive phone calls to home (however these phone calls were still made on a regular basis - Sorry Mum & Dad!)

The content on 'Bonjour Kit' however, will be a totally different story! Now it isn't to say that there will be the occasional similarity between this blog and the last (I am the same person you know!), but hopefully you will like what you read and my grammar/overall writing skills have improved from 2 years ago!

So what is to be expected on Bonjour Kit?
Expect everything and anything. In particular, beauty, fashion & many pictures of my puppy.

So, without further a do, here I am. Kit Neal, 17 years old, Australia. Enjoy!

 Kit. Xx